Historie CHS Franckenhorst (část 3.)


"G" LITTER, 1985 (Hertog Alpha Le Dobry x VivreVivien): Gringo, Gigi Gishlane, Golda, Graf Guido, Grace Germain
The sire to the third litter was Hertog Alpha v. le Dobry, the dam was Vivre Vivien. The litter included world winner Golda, world winner Graf Guido, DV sieger and Bundesjugendsieger Gringo, Gigi, Grace Germaine. Graf Guido's nicest puppies were born in the Royal Bell kennel of Croatia: multichampion Ono, Larson, Lord, Lobo, world winner Lana, Lora...
Golda v. FranckenhorstGolda v.Franckenhorst
Graaf Guido v. FranckenhorstGraaf Guido v.Franckenhorst Gringo v. FranckenhorstGringo v.Franckenhorst
"H" LITTER, 1986 (Amos x Pompie Dutch Dewi): Hellon
Hellon, puppy of Amos and Pompie Dutch Dewi, was born in 1986. His puppy was D’Orlane des Landrys.
"I" LITTER, 1986 (Berus Pagodenburg x Vivre Vivien): Irana, Icy Queen, Ilane, Ibis, Icy King
This year's second litter was the 'I' litter: Ibis, Ilane, Irana, offspring of Berus v. Pagodenburg and Vivre Vivien. Ilane's puppies were world winner Gravin Nora v Neerlands Stam, young DVH Europe winner Rafale v les Deux Peupliers, DV and IDC jugendsieger Qwary v hof ter Eeckhout, Floijdt v h Savelsbos, Neon v’t Smeulveen, and Vaya v Franckenhorst. Puppies of Ibis included Ryan Red v Birkenhain, young IDC winner Eliot du Caire de la Prairie and Melwas Muro v Birkenhain. Irana's puppy was Kenzo Kinto v Birkenhain.
Ilane v. Franckenhorst Ilane v. FranckenhorstIlane v.Franckenhorst
Ibis v. FranckenhorstIbis v.Franckenhorst Jouri v, FranckenhorstJouri v.Franckenhorst
"J" LITTER, 1986 (Fela v. Franckenhorst x Dolly v. Franckenhorst): Jouri
With the third litter came into the world Jouri, puppy of at that time young Fela and Dolly.
"L" LITTER, 1987 (Soderlatts Freimoor x Gigi Gishlaine v. Franckenhorst ): Lou Lou , Lilli Labelle
In 1987 arrived Lou Lou and Lilli Labelle, descendants of Gigi and Soderslatts Freimoor. Lou Lou went to Herman Mencke.
"N" LITTER, 1988 (Bryan v Wolfshohe x Diba v. Franckenhorst): Nursa, Nicos, Nimrod
The first litter of 1988 produced a special dog again: Nursa. The sire to this litter was Bryan v Wolfshohe, the dam was Diba. (Bryan's mother was Tamara.) The litter also included Nicos and Nimrod.
Medina v. FranckenhorstMedina v.Franckenhorst Nursa v. FranckenhorstNursa v.Franckenhorst
"M" LITTER, 1988 (Fela v. Franckenhorst x Dolly v. Franckenhorst): Moushka Mariska, Mike, Medina
In 1988, Sonja used Fela as stud dog again – and repeated the 'J' litter, with Mouschka Mariska and Medina in it. Mouschka Mariska went to Marianne Walker in the Birkenhain kennel of Switzerland. Medina lived in the v Adanz kennel.
Onno v. FranckenhorstOnno v.Franckenhorst Mouschka Mariska v. FranckenhorstMouschka Mariska v.Franckenhorst
"O" LITTER, 1988 (Jouri v.Franckenhorst and Gigi Gishlaine v.Franckenhorst): Onno
This year's second litter was a black female, Onno, puppy of Jouri v Franckenhorst and Gigi Gishlaine v Franckenhorst.
"P" LITTER, 1989 (Fela v. Franckenhorst x Golda v. Franckenhorst ): Paco, Perez
Golda's first litter was born in 1989, the sire was Fela again. The litter included Paco and Perez. Paco was sold to England. His puppy was DV sieger Hadar Hosea v Diaspora.
Paco v. FranckenhorstPaco v.Franckenhorst Perez v. FranckenhorstPerez v.Franckenhorst
"R" LITTER, 1989 (Graf Guido x Marienburg’s Irana): Royal Rambo, Rhesa
This year's second litter produced Royal Rambo and Rhesa (Sire: Graf Guido, dam: Marienburg’s Irana). Irana is Dexter's puppy. Rhesa went to Corsini Barbara in Italy, while Royal Rambo went to Hungary.
Rhesa v. FranckenhorstRhesa v.Franckenhorst Royal Rambo v. FranckenhorstRoyal Rambo v.Franckenhorst
"S" LITTER, 1989 (Helonn v. Franckenhorst x Gigi Gishlaine v. Franckenhorst): Sir Harold, Sela, Sierra
The third litter of the year was the offspring of Helonn and Gigi: Sir Harold, Sela, Sierra.
"T" LITTER, 1990 (Marienburg's Ren Bow's Rasputin x Golda): Tittus,Thiras,Talitha, Tara,Tiara,Topaz
In 1990, Golda has been mated with Marienburg’s Ren Bow Rasputin. Talitha and Titus lived in Italy and belonged to Aldo D’Anna. Talitha's puppies were Aida and Rufus di Prisconte; Titus' puppies were Cabiria del Palatino and Mathilde della Fortezza Vecchia.
Thiras v. FranckenhorstThiras v. FranckenhorstThiras v.Franckenhorst
"U" LITTER, 1990 (Ilane v. Franckenhorst x Medina dei Piani di Praglia): Udo
In 1990 from combination of Medina and Ilane, Udo was whelped.
"V" LITTER, 1991 (Ilane v. Franckenhorst x Marienburg's Irana): Vaya
Vaya was born in 1991; she is the mother of Vysan v hof ter Eeckhout (the successful stud dog of our days), Orsa, Sultan and Vyara van hof ter Eeckhou.
"W" LITTER, 1991 (Marienburg's Dark Daimler x Golda v. Franckenhorst): Winsor
Also in 1991, Golda was mated with Marienburg's Dark Daimler and gave birth to Winsor.
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